onsdag 18. april 2012

Long exposure in Sandefjord!

Hello guys!
I shot a long exposure on a bridge over Sandefjord's biggest road!
I'm really happy with the ressult! I really recommend to shoot like this! It's really easy and everyone can do it!

All you have to do is getting a tripod and maybe a remote controll for your camera. Set up and select bulb, sometimes you can do it with 30"... But i often use bulb and remote.
After you have taken a few shots, and failed with the exposure a coupple of times the fun starts and cool pictures comes!

Try this your self, you dont need a expensive DSLR, you can do it with one that costs half of the 7D.

So take a look at this:

Long exposure, over the road at night!

Hope you liked my picture! I'll post some more tomorrow.

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